Contrast can be VERY challenging. Though my experiences will not have been the same as yours, I can honestly say that I've looked at my experiences and wondered what the heck kind of lesson could that be teaching me?
What I have learned is that Contrast is there for a very important reason. By seeing very clearly what we don't want, we can also see very clearly what we do want. (Take your Don't want and give it a 180 degree twist, and you have a Do Want.)
The first step to creating what you want is to know what you want.
Get a piece of paper out, and fold it in half.
On one half, dump out all the crap...put every single thing down that you don't want that you've been having in your experience.
On the other half, do the 180 degree shift, and write out what you do want for every don't want on that list.
Rip it in half down the fold.
Get rid of the Don't Want half. Burn it. Rip it up. Whatever.
Keep the Do Want half. Put it up somewhere that you can read it often...every day preferrably.
Spend as much time looking at that list as you can. 17 seconds here. 17 seconds there.
If you notice yourself going back to focusing on the don't wants, you have a couple of options.
1. Keep yourself busy with things that occupy your mind.
2. Do another Dump and Flip.
Trust God, Spirit, the Universe (or whatever fits for you). And make sure you let him know exactly what it is you do want. He wants the best for you. All you have to do is ask.
Dream BIG!
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
P.S. Want more tools and processes to help you create your Ultimate Life? Let's share 15 minutes together to find out if Abundance Coaching is a match for you. Set your 15 consultation appointment today.
May 12, 2005
April 20, 2005
Simply Magnetic!
I am ... you are ... a magnet.
There are two properties to magnets. One is that the attract. The other is that they repel.
As your magnet increases in strength, you will notice that both properties of your magnetism will increase as well.
At first, it may freak you out. It may upset you.
I started noticing the dual properties first with my newsletter.
My newsletter list changed little. I had a large list. A few would come and a few would go. I wouldn't really notice.
Now, my list grows, and it's quite exciting. I have received wonderful communication from people on my newslist, and it feels really good!
On the same note, though, when someone is not a match for what I offer, they quite often go out with a "comment".
When it first started to happen, I was shocked - even hurt. I thought I was offering value! I didn't think the color purple would cause you to think negative thoughts. I love my butterfly!
Then I started noticing something else. Every single time I received one of those "negative" or repelling emails, something really awesome would happen. I would get a new client or student. I would get a truly warm email from a subscriber that would pick up my whole day.
I've now come to (in a weird way) enjoy getting those repelling emails.
I know that by this person leaving abruptly, the space has been opened to be filled with an equally and likely more attractive and joyful experience or connection.
Eventually, as your Abundance Magnet continues to grow in strength, you'll notice a new phase.
Your magnet will be so strong that those who are repelled by you don't get close enough for you to get the repelling emails or comments. And those who are attracted to you show up in ways that will astound you, and I doubt you will ever get used to it.
Enjoy the duality of your Abundance Magnet. Know that as you experience the repelling, you are attracting with incredible stength those people and experiences that bring you the joy you so richly deserve.
You ARE an Abundance Magnet.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
PS - Would you like to strengthen your Abundance Magnet? Come join me for a Free Teleclass on April 21, 2005 at 9 PM Eastern.
Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business
Register by email to receive the complete details.
There are two properties to magnets. One is that the attract. The other is that they repel.
As your magnet increases in strength, you will notice that both properties of your magnetism will increase as well.
At first, it may freak you out. It may upset you.
I started noticing the dual properties first with my newsletter.
My newsletter list changed little. I had a large list. A few would come and a few would go. I wouldn't really notice.
Now, my list grows, and it's quite exciting. I have received wonderful communication from people on my newslist, and it feels really good!
On the same note, though, when someone is not a match for what I offer, they quite often go out with a "comment".
When it first started to happen, I was shocked - even hurt. I thought I was offering value! I didn't think the color purple would cause you to think negative thoughts. I love my butterfly!
Then I started noticing something else. Every single time I received one of those "negative" or repelling emails, something really awesome would happen. I would get a new client or student. I would get a truly warm email from a subscriber that would pick up my whole day.
I've now come to (in a weird way) enjoy getting those repelling emails.
I know that by this person leaving abruptly, the space has been opened to be filled with an equally and likely more attractive and joyful experience or connection.
Eventually, as your Abundance Magnet continues to grow in strength, you'll notice a new phase.
Your magnet will be so strong that those who are repelled by you don't get close enough for you to get the repelling emails or comments. And those who are attracted to you show up in ways that will astound you, and I doubt you will ever get used to it.
Enjoy the duality of your Abundance Magnet. Know that as you experience the repelling, you are attracting with incredible stength those people and experiences that bring you the joy you so richly deserve.
You ARE an Abundance Magnet.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
PS - Would you like to strengthen your Abundance Magnet? Come join me for a Free Teleclass on April 21, 2005 at 9 PM Eastern.
Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business
Register by email to receive the complete details.
April 5, 2005
I'm more than this!
"You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration."
James Allen
1864-1912, Author of As A Man Thinketh
I grow proportionately to my dreams.
When I was a teen, my dreams were to be happily married, start a family, own a house and go on a tropical vacation.
I achieved that.
I'm more than that!
So how do I become more than that? I dream bigger!
Some of the things I dream about for me?
Living in Hawaii.
Being a guest on Oprah.
Travelling and meeting people all over the world.
I want to be all that I can be. I want to be an example to my son, so I can watch him be all he can be.
I want others to say, "Hey, if she can do it, so can I! I'm more than this!"
What are some of the Dreams you'd like for you?
If you could be anything, what would you be?
Dream BIG!
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcomechanges Abundance Coaching & Training
Free Teleclass April 14, 2005!
Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business
James Allen
1864-1912, Author of As A Man Thinketh
I grow proportionately to my dreams.
When I was a teen, my dreams were to be happily married, start a family, own a house and go on a tropical vacation.
I achieved that.
I'm more than that!
So how do I become more than that? I dream bigger!
Some of the things I dream about for me?
Living in Hawaii.
Being a guest on Oprah.
Travelling and meeting people all over the world.
I want to be all that I can be. I want to be an example to my son, so I can watch him be all he can be.
I want others to say, "Hey, if she can do it, so can I! I'm more than this!"
What are some of the Dreams you'd like for you?
If you could be anything, what would you be?
Dream BIG!
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcomechanges Abundance Coaching & Training
Free Teleclass April 14, 2005!
Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business
April 4, 2005
Do Anything
"I've always maintained that you can't just coast, if you do, you go backwards. It's just a slow way of liquidating...Let's do anything to get some action, you see?" - Walt Disney
Someone shared this quote with me today, and I loved it! So I decided to talk a bit more about it here.
For me it's the energy of remaining in motion.
I generally do not have expectations about what arises out of my actions, as quite often the energy created out of taking action opens doors that I don't necessarily see immediately.
For example, I have invited people to partner with me on a project only to be told No. Later, I would receive an invitation from this same person to partner on an incredibly exciting and door-opening project.
I no longer get disappointed when my actions do not create the "expected" result. As I continually move forward I learn more and more to watch for the exciting and unexpected results.
It's an adventure in motion!
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Free Teleclass!
Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business
Someone shared this quote with me today, and I loved it! So I decided to talk a bit more about it here.
For me it's the energy of remaining in motion.
I generally do not have expectations about what arises out of my actions, as quite often the energy created out of taking action opens doors that I don't necessarily see immediately.
For example, I have invited people to partner with me on a project only to be told No. Later, I would receive an invitation from this same person to partner on an incredibly exciting and door-opening project.
I no longer get disappointed when my actions do not create the "expected" result. As I continually move forward I learn more and more to watch for the exciting and unexpected results.
It's an adventure in motion!
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Free Teleclass!
Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business
March 16, 2005
Row Row Row Your Boat...
Gently down the stream,
Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a Dream
That song's been playing through my head over the weekend. Heard my son's baby toy play it while doing laundry.
I get a pretty strong message in it.
Gently Do what you can Do
Flowing All the While
Choose a beautiful Dream
Just a quick note today! Think I'll do more quick notes. Feels good.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a Dream
That song's been playing through my head over the weekend. Heard my son's baby toy play it while doing laundry.
I get a pretty strong message in it.
Gently Do what you can Do
Flowing All the While
Choose a beautiful Dream
Just a quick note today! Think I'll do more quick notes. Feels good.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
February 27, 2005
The Love Connection
I absolutely love this, so wanted to share it.
The Love Connection
How could anyone ever tell you
you're anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell you
you're anything less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
your loving is a miracle,
And how deeply you're connected to your soul?
How could anyone ever tell me
I'm anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell me
I'm anything less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
my loving is a miracle,
And how deeply I'm connected to my soul?
How could anyone ever tell us
we're anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell us
we're anything less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
our loving is a miracle,
And how deeply we're connected to our souls?
So let's sing it out together:
Our loving is a miracle,
And how deeply we're connected to the WHOLE.
"How Could Anyone" Words & Music by Libby Roderick
Copyright 1990. Turtle Island Records
What do these words say to you?
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
The Love Connection
How could anyone ever tell you
you're anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell you
you're anything less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
your loving is a miracle,
And how deeply you're connected to your soul?
How could anyone ever tell me
I'm anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell me
I'm anything less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
my loving is a miracle,
And how deeply I'm connected to my soul?
How could anyone ever tell us
we're anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell us
we're anything less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
our loving is a miracle,
And how deeply we're connected to our souls?
So let's sing it out together:
Our loving is a miracle,
And how deeply we're connected to the WHOLE.
"How Could Anyone" Words & Music by Libby Roderick
Copyright 1990. Turtle Island Records
What do these words say to you?
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
February 25, 2005
Do you live in Calgary?
Just thought I'd mention that I will be having a book signing in Calgary on March 5, 2005 at the Eau Claire Wine Market at 1:00 to 3:30 PM.
If you happen to live in Calgary, I'd love to have you stop by for a visit!
If you don't happen to live here in Calgary, please feel free to visit my Virtual Book Signing.
Why am I doing this? Well as my good friend, Joe Vitale shared with me last night when I interviewed him about driving books to #1 on Amazon, books signings aren't money making opportunities. You don't make the book sales that some people think they will. Financially there's really not much of a reason.
It's really all about the publicity--getting your name out there.
It's my intention to have Calgary learn more about what Velma Gallant does--what I have to offer.
Do I expect to get a large amount of attention? Nope. But I sure have been spending some time dreaming about that. It may not happen today, but with me putting some attention on it, it will happen at some point.
It's really all about being in forward motion. I'm moving forward with my intentions. Doing what I can with what I have right now. Building momentum.
I've sent out press releases regarding my book. I will be sending out press releases about the book signing right away.
I'm preparing some material to have on my table with me.
I'm doing what I can right now with what I have. I'm doing what I figure is a great place to start.
I'll likely learn a lot! I already have actually. I learned that I want to give myself more time for planning next time. :)
Oh, and as for my interview with Joe Vitale about getting a book to #1 on Amazon? Keep watching here. I'll share with you how you can get a copy of that interview shortly.
Until then, keep your momentum going forward. Really cool things happen when you do that. :)
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
If you happen to live in Calgary, I'd love to have you stop by for a visit!
If you don't happen to live here in Calgary, please feel free to visit my Virtual Book Signing.
Why am I doing this? Well as my good friend, Joe Vitale shared with me last night when I interviewed him about driving books to #1 on Amazon, books signings aren't money making opportunities. You don't make the book sales that some people think they will. Financially there's really not much of a reason.
It's really all about the publicity--getting your name out there.
It's my intention to have Calgary learn more about what Velma Gallant does--what I have to offer.
Do I expect to get a large amount of attention? Nope. But I sure have been spending some time dreaming about that. It may not happen today, but with me putting some attention on it, it will happen at some point.
It's really all about being in forward motion. I'm moving forward with my intentions. Doing what I can with what I have right now. Building momentum.
I've sent out press releases regarding my book. I will be sending out press releases about the book signing right away.
I'm preparing some material to have on my table with me.
I'm doing what I can right now with what I have. I'm doing what I figure is a great place to start.
I'll likely learn a lot! I already have actually. I learned that I want to give myself more time for planning next time. :)
Oh, and as for my interview with Joe Vitale about getting a book to #1 on Amazon? Keep watching here. I'll share with you how you can get a copy of that interview shortly.
Until then, keep your momentum going forward. Really cool things happen when you do that. :)
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
February 15, 2005
Crazy Ideas
Have you ever had an idea pop into your head that at first sounded really great, but the more you thought about it, you decided it was crazy?
Have you ever had a challenge, and you got an idea to speak to someone about it, and the more you thought about it, you decided not to do it?
I used to, but these days I go with them anyway.
What's the worst that can happen?
The person you ask can't help you or says no.
The idea you had doesn't quite work.
But what's the best that can happen?
Your idea takes off, and creates an Abundance of Joy, Satisfaction and Success!
The person you ask has a solution, and is more than willing to help you!
Those little ideas which just POP into your head are quite often your intuition or guidance jumping in to give you a hand.
The question is...are you going to listen, or are you going to think your way out of the idea?
The story I wrote for Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom is called "Don't Think ... Just Do It!", and I believe this 100%.
All too often we think ourselves out of great ideas, when if we would have acted before we spent so much time thinking, our idea would be off the ground and rolling.
I'm having a Virtual Book Signing from now until March 15th.
Purchase Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom, and forward me a copy of the proof of purchase to welcomechanges[at], along with your mailing address, and I will send you a personalized and signed book plate to put in your book when you receive it.
The extra bonus to this, is that you receive a few thousand dollars worth of bonuses by purchasing it through this Pre-purchase site.
(At the bottom of the form they'll ask you who referred you...that's where you put my name in. ;-)
Oh! And if you take advantage of the extra bonuses and purchase multiple copies, make note of that in your email to me too. If you know who you are going to give those books to, we can personalize book plates for them too!
Complete details on the Virtual Book Signing can be found here.
Make it an Abundant Day!
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Have you ever had a challenge, and you got an idea to speak to someone about it, and the more you thought about it, you decided not to do it?
I used to, but these days I go with them anyway.
What's the worst that can happen?
The person you ask can't help you or says no.
The idea you had doesn't quite work.
But what's the best that can happen?
Your idea takes off, and creates an Abundance of Joy, Satisfaction and Success!
The person you ask has a solution, and is more than willing to help you!
Those little ideas which just POP into your head are quite often your intuition or guidance jumping in to give you a hand.
The question is...are you going to listen, or are you going to think your way out of the idea?
The story I wrote for Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom is called "Don't Think ... Just Do It!", and I believe this 100%.
All too often we think ourselves out of great ideas, when if we would have acted before we spent so much time thinking, our idea would be off the ground and rolling.
I'm having a Virtual Book Signing from now until March 15th.
Purchase Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom, and forward me a copy of the proof of purchase to welcomechanges[at], along with your mailing address, and I will send you a personalized and signed book plate to put in your book when you receive it.
The extra bonus to this, is that you receive a few thousand dollars worth of bonuses by purchasing it through this Pre-purchase site.
(At the bottom of the form they'll ask you who referred you...that's where you put my name in. ;-)
Oh! And if you take advantage of the extra bonuses and purchase multiple copies, make note of that in your email to me too. If you know who you are going to give those books to, we can personalize book plates for them too!
Complete details on the Virtual Book Signing can be found here.
Make it an Abundant Day!
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
January 27, 2005
The Experience in Fear
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
-- Mark Twain
I sat up with I read this quote. Not because I liked it, but because my experience has been different.
I cannot "resist" fear because that feels, to me, like I'm fighting or pushing against it. If I am resisting fear, I am activating whatever it is I fear and attracting more of the same to me.
I suppose I can master fear, but that word doesn't fit me. Mastering implies having control over the fear. I do not see fear as being something I need to control.
How I feel about something is important, so I would not choose these words.
It's been my experience that I move through fear.
I experience fear. I acknowledge fear.
I also understand that a fear is based in the future, and I'm the one who creates my future.
It's with this understanding that I am able to act (most times) in spite of fear. (Did I mention that I'm a spiritual being having a human experience?)
I am also aware that fear is guidance.
Depending on the feeling, fear may also be an indication that there is true danger.
This is why I believe that fear must be acknowledged and experienced. It is through the experience of our fear that we can understand if it is guidance to move forward or guidance to hold fast.
I will try to explain how I experience fear. I feel it in my body. A fear guiding me to hold fast is generally lower in the pit of my stomach, and the guidance to act in spite of fear is higher in my body, quite often diaphram area (butterflies).
Everybody is different. You may feel your guidance differently.
Getting in touch with your inner guidance and learning to "listen" as you experience fear will allow you to move forward with courage, or hold fast with courage.
Fear is your guidance talking. Are you ready to listen?
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Are you ready to tap into your inner guidance to move you forward?
Check out Abundance Coaching.
January 23, 2005
What do you get out of it?
I went to a movie last night. You may have heard of it. What the Bleep do We Know.
Very good movie. Very thought provoking. If you get the chance to go see it, definitely do!
One of the things that stood out for me is that we created the situation we are in right now. We chose it for one reason or another.
You might be thinking right now, "Why would I WANT to choose what I'm experiencing right now? That's absolute nonsense!"
We get something out of it. Maybe it's simply being able to blame someone or something else for our experience, and not having to take responsibility for it.
Taking responsibility for your life and your experience is a big part of living an abundant life. I'd even go so far as to say a critical component.
If I'm not responsible for my life, who is? If I'm not choosing my actions, who is?
What do you get out of your present situation? Is it being able to put the responsibility on someone else rather than where it belongs? On you?
One of the other things I learned from the movie is that it is important for me to live in the be happy in the Now.
What can I do right now to feel the emotions I want to feel? What can I do right now to experience what I want to experience?
If I can continually ask these questions of myself, and begin choosing my experiences moment by moment, then I can begin to attract (create) those things that I desire in my life that will give me more of those emotions, feelings and experiences.
I can see that this post could be pages and pages, take hours to write and read, and that's not what I want. My son's coloring a beautiful picture for me, and I want to share that with him.
Go see What the Bleep do We Know if you're ready to begin creating your life by choice rather than by default.
I'm going to buy the DVD when it comes out. I want to be able to watch it again. I know I'll get something more out of it each time I watch it.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Very good movie. Very thought provoking. If you get the chance to go see it, definitely do!
One of the things that stood out for me is that we created the situation we are in right now. We chose it for one reason or another.
You might be thinking right now, "Why would I WANT to choose what I'm experiencing right now? That's absolute nonsense!"
We get something out of it. Maybe it's simply being able to blame someone or something else for our experience, and not having to take responsibility for it.
Taking responsibility for your life and your experience is a big part of living an abundant life. I'd even go so far as to say a critical component.
If I'm not responsible for my life, who is? If I'm not choosing my actions, who is?
What do you get out of your present situation? Is it being able to put the responsibility on someone else rather than where it belongs? On you?
One of the other things I learned from the movie is that it is important for me to live in the be happy in the Now.
What can I do right now to feel the emotions I want to feel? What can I do right now to experience what I want to experience?
If I can continually ask these questions of myself, and begin choosing my experiences moment by moment, then I can begin to attract (create) those things that I desire in my life that will give me more of those emotions, feelings and experiences.
I can see that this post could be pages and pages, take hours to write and read, and that's not what I want. My son's coloring a beautiful picture for me, and I want to share that with him.
Go see What the Bleep do We Know if you're ready to begin creating your life by choice rather than by default.
I'm going to buy the DVD when it comes out. I want to be able to watch it again. I know I'll get something more out of it each time I watch it.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
January 20, 2005
Results and Feelings
If you are predominantly focused on the RESULTS of your focused thoughts rather than FEELING your way within your thoughts, it is easy to lose your way.
--Abraham in Ask and It Is Given
It's very easy to get caught up in the results we want and forget all about the feelings.
It is an automatic response from our conditioning that can be overcome with practice.
What it really comes down to is the feeling.
Consider why you want something. How would having that make you feel? Isn't that why you want it? To feel that way?
If you are ready to begin attracting the things you desire to you right now, get creative about how you can experience those feelings right now.
Is freedom the feeling you're looking for? How about putting the headphones on and listening to (loosing yourself in) your favorite music? Perhaps you experience freedom while jogging?
With who you are, where you are and the resources available to you right now, how can you create that desired feeling?
I think I'm going to color with my son today. ;-)
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Make 2005 the best year yet! Begin Journaling for Abundance ... it only takes 5 minutes a day! The class is this Thursday (Jan 20), so register quickly!
January 19, 2005
Lots of thoughts this morning! So here's a second post. Something good to think about.
Someone asked me once which I felt was more important to success ... belief or persistence.
I'd have to say it was persistence in building my belief.
If I didn't build my belief in myself, no amount of persistence would find me true and lasting success.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Make 2005 the best year yet! Begin Journaling for Abundance ... it only takes 5 minutes a day! The class is this Thursday (Jan 20), so register quickly!
Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself
-- Robert Collier
Someone asked me once which I felt was more important to success ... belief or persistence.
I'd have to say it was persistence in building my belief.
If I didn't build my belief in myself, no amount of persistence would find me true and lasting success.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching & Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Make 2005 the best year yet! Begin Journaling for Abundance ... it only takes 5 minutes a day! The class is this Thursday (Jan 20), so register quickly!
Be as Happy as You Want to be
Be as happy as you want to be in a world gone mad. Be as safe as youw ant to be in a world that is afraid of everything. Be as health as you want to be in a world that is mostly sick. Don't let statistics that someone else has created affect you. You get to choose -- you are wise enough, smart enough, deliberate enough.
You get to choose. Pretty powerful.
I never used to understand how powerful I really was. I never understood that I could choose how I wanted to feel, how I wanted to look at things. I had thought that it was those things outside of me that controlled my experience.
I don't remember right now where I read it or heard it, but someone said "be happy where you are right now".
There are two ways to look at an experience. I can look for what's right about that experience, or I can look at what's wrong about that experience.
Which ever one I choose, that's the one that's going to grow.
Putting attention on something is kind of like watering and feeding a plant. The more attention you give it, the more food and water you are giving it, and the more it grows.
No matter what my experience is, I'm going to water the flowers.
So what do you choose? Flowers or Weeds?
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching and Training
Have you subscribed to my newsletter?
Make 2005 the best year yet! Begin Journaling for Abundance ... it only takes 5 minutes a day! The class is this Thursday (Jan 20), so register quickly!
January 18, 2005
Go With the Flow
I've heard it before, as I'm sure you have. "Just go with the flow."
What I have learned is that it's true.
If you're not going with the flow, you're Pushing.
If you're pushing, you're working very hard to go up stream, and likely not moving very far if at all.
If you're going with the flow, you're moving with the stream, flowing to your destination (destiny?).
If you're going with the flow, you're moving forward, and don't have to work so hard to keep moving.
If you're going with the flow, it's the one way you can be still and move forward at the same time.
Inspired Actions are like dipping your paddle into the water to guide you (your canoe) to where it is you desire (intend) to go.
Inspired In-Action.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
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Abundance Coaching & Training
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Make 2005 the best year yet! Begin Journaling for Abundance ... it only takes 5 minutes a day! The class is this Thursday, so register quickly!
What I have learned is that it's true.
If you're not going with the flow, you're Pushing.
If you're pushing, you're working very hard to go up stream, and likely not moving very far if at all.
If you're going with the flow, you're moving with the stream, flowing to your destination (destiny?).
If you're going with the flow, you're moving forward, and don't have to work so hard to keep moving.
If you're going with the flow, it's the one way you can be still and move forward at the same time.
Inspired Actions are like dipping your paddle into the water to guide you (your canoe) to where it is you desire (intend) to go.
Inspired In-Action.
Abundantly yours,
Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
Welcome Changes
Abundance Coaching & Training
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Make 2005 the best year yet! Begin Journaling for Abundance ... it only takes 5 minutes a day! The class is this Thursday, so register quickly!
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