April 5, 2005

I'm more than this!

"You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration."

James Allen
1864-1912, Author of As A Man Thinketh

I grow proportionately to my dreams.

When I was a teen, my dreams were to be happily married, start a family, own a house and go on a tropical vacation.

I achieved that.

I'm more than that!

So how do I become more than that? I dream bigger!

Some of the things I dream about for me?

Living in Hawaii.

Being a guest on Oprah.

Travelling and meeting people all over the world.

I want to be all that I can be. I want to be an example to my son, so I can watch him be all he can be.

I want others to say, "Hey, if she can do it, so can I! I'm more than this!"

What are some of the Dreams you'd like for you?

If you could be anything, what would you be?

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
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Abundance in Business: How to Apply Law of Attraction to Create Your Ultimate Business

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