February 25, 2005

Do you live in Calgary?

Just thought I'd mention that I will be having a book signing in Calgary on March 5, 2005 at the Eau Claire Wine Market at 1:00 to 3:30 PM.

If you happen to live in Calgary, I'd love to have you stop by for a visit!

If you don't happen to live here in Calgary, please feel free to visit my Virtual Book Signing.

Why am I doing this? Well as my good friend, Joe Vitale shared with me last night when I interviewed him about driving books to #1 on Amazon, books signings aren't money making opportunities. You don't make the book sales that some people think they will. Financially there's really not much of a reason.

It's really all about the publicity--getting your name out there.

It's my intention to have Calgary learn more about what Velma Gallant does--what I have to offer.

Do I expect to get a large amount of attention? Nope. But I sure have been spending some time dreaming about that. It may not happen today, but with me putting some attention on it, it will happen at some point.

It's really all about being in forward motion. I'm moving forward with my intentions. Doing what I can with what I have right now. Building momentum.

I've sent out press releases regarding my book. I will be sending out press releases about the book signing right away.

I'm preparing some material to have on my table with me.

I'm doing what I can right now with what I have. I'm doing what I figure is a great place to start.

I'll likely learn a lot! I already have actually. I learned that I want to give myself more time for planning next time. :)

Oh, and as for my interview with Joe Vitale about getting a book to #1 on Amazon? Keep watching here. I'll share with you how you can get a copy of that interview shortly.

Until then, keep your momentum going forward. Really cool things happen when you do that. :)

Abundantly yours,

Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
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