April 4, 2005

Do Anything

"I've always maintained that you can't just coast, if you do, you go backwards. It's just a slow way of liquidating...Let's do anything to get some action, you see?" - Walt Disney

Someone shared this quote with me today, and I loved it! So I decided to talk a bit more about it here.

For me it's the energy of remaining in motion.

I generally do not have expectations about what arises out of my actions, as quite often the energy created out of taking action opens doors that I don't necessarily see immediately.

For example, I have invited people to partner with me on a project only to be told No. Later, I would receive an invitation from this same person to partner on an incredibly exciting and door-opening project.

I no longer get disappointed when my actions do not create the "expected" result. As I continually move forward I learn more and more to watch for the exciting and unexpected results.

It's an adventure in motion!

Abundantly yours,

Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
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