March 19, 2007

You Don't Need the Luck of the Irish


3 Steps to Find Your Gold NOW!

The Quest for the Pot of Gold continues daily--the search for that one thing outside of you that will give you the wealth you crave.

Is money the one thing you think will fill that void? Phooey to those who say “Money can’t buy you happiness.” Being poor won’t fill that void either!

The reality is, money alone will not fill the void. The question then becomes, “What will fill that emptiness?” What would make you magnetic to all that you desire?

Many believe they will not be happy until they achieve financial wealth. The truth is, being happy opens the door to financial wealth. You must do what it takes to create the happiness NOW if you want to experience more wealth in all areas of your life.

True wealth is not only financial wealth. Money does nothing if you are emotionally spent, your spirit crushed, or your physical well-being drained.

Here are three actions you can do right now to create Happiness NOW and begin opening the doors to true, complete wealth.

1. Gratitude – List 5 things each morning, before your feet even hit the ground, that you are grateful for today. Sometimes it’s as simple as appreciating that first breath you take in the morning.

2. Extreme Self-Care – Before you give to others, be sure to give to yourself. This fills your well, in order that you have more to give to others. This could include things such as a foot spa at the end of the day, 30 minutes reading a good book, or a peaceful uninterrupted soak in the tub. Whatever it is for you, just be sure to do one thing each day for the most important person in your life—you!

3. Laugh Lots – Research has shown that laughter is the best medicine! It supports our heart, our blood vessels, our brain, and most of all, our spirit. Just hearing someone else laugh automatically puts a smile on our face. Notice how that simple act of smiling can brighten your mood. Keep a book of funny jokes near by. Watch funny movies often. Find a Joke buddy, and take turns each day telling a joke or telling a funny story. Join a laughter club near you.

These are three simple things you can do each day effortlessly that will create more joy and happiness in your life right now.

Here’s the Pot of Gold Challenge. Do these three things for just 30 days. Not only will you feel great, but watch how your world around you begins to change too. You will find you’ve been sitting in your Pot of Gold all along.

Enter the Pot of Gold Challenge. Share your experience of what changed in your life by taking the Pot of Gold Challenge, and have your name entered to win exciting prizes.


Velma Gallant, “The Queen of JOY!”, is an Abundance Coach, speaker and author. She is a best-selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer in “Wake Up…Live the Life You Love…Finding Personal Freedom”. Velma also writes a weekly e-newsletter which can be found at You can contact Velma by email at velma@welcomechanges, or toll-free at 1-800-992-2863.

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