February 23, 2006

Who do you hang with?

"Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
--Mark Twain

Monitoring who you spend your time with is as important as monitoring where your thoughts are.

What you focus on an the emotion behind it is what you bring to you.

How do you feel when someone belittles your ambitions?

How does it change your focus?

I'd guess it makes you feel not quite so good about your ambitions, and changes your focus to what's not quite right with your ambitions.

Have you ever heard that you should spend your time with people who are where you want to be?

I think the quote above speaks to that very clearly. If you spend your time with people who are abundant, and living a life of freedom and joy, they'll make you feel like you can live that life too. They will keep their eyes on the possibilities with you.

Sometimes, though, the people in your life may be the ones who belittle, and they are still important people in your life. They may be family. They may be life-long friends. What do you do then?

It's very simple. You get to choose who you share your ambitions (intentions/desires) with.

You can choose not to share those ambitions with them, so there is no opening for them to belittle.

Save your ambitions (intentions/desires) for those who will hold the vision with you.

Don't feel you have to eliminate these small people from your life completely. That's truly not necessary.

What is necessary is that you include more of those people who are living the life you dream of, and see your greatness.

Take some time to choose who you'll spend most of your time and energy with. Choose people that make you feel great. You deserve it!


Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at http://www.WelcomeChanges.com, or reach her by email at velma@welcomechanges.com.

February 9, 2006

Don't Worry About Thinking Positive

You've been playing with Law of Attraction. You know that your thoughts create your experience. The only thing is, you've been experiencing some in-your-face challenges lately.

Likely your first thought is "think positive". You try hard to feel good about whatever it is that's bothering you, and it's pretty much impossible.

Don't worry about thinking positive. There is obviously a lot of emotion involved, and it's all OK.

Yes, the law of attraction does state that what you focus on and the emotion behind it is what you bring to you, but here's a little trick for ya.

You can focus on something that's a "vibrational match" to what you want.

What that really means is that your only job is to feel good. If it doesn't feel good to focus on this situation, find something else to put your attention on that does feel good.

Babystep your way to feeling good. What's one thing you can do to feel just a little bit better?

Have you ever noticed that when you or someone you know is stressed, they have the cleanest floor? For some reason, getting down there and scrubbing takes your mind off of whatever has got you uptight. You may not be right up there dancing, but you are feeling better. You've shifted from feeling bad to feeling neutral. A definitely movement up the emotional scale.

There's nothing wrong with keeping yourself busy to take your mind off of things. Your real job is to feel good. There's nothing in the "rule book" that says you have to force yourself to feel good about something you just don't feel good about right now.


Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at http://www.WelcomeChanges.com, or reach her by email at velma@welcomechanges.com.

Hello...How are you? Have you been OK?

It's been a very long while since I posted here, and I've been missing this place!

The last six or so months have been very busy, but in truth, it's been a good busy.

We've had birthday celebrations for our whole family, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas since the last time I posted here.

I've been doing a lot of learning and exploring too.

Oh! And I have a new hobby as well! I've always been fascinated with Crystals, but never took more than a cursory look at the hobby. I've got quite a beautiful crystal collection now. I've taken a crystal workshop. I've begun looking at playing with crystal beads too.

At the end of January we finally were able to see the fertility doctor. We've been trying to add a second child to our family for well over two years. We're not getting any younger here, so we thought we'd check into getting some professional help. ;-)

I've been exploring a few new programs, and reading some really great books lately too. I'll put some "reviews" here in a bit.

OK...that's it for now. I better head back to the action steps I've outlined for today! I've already finished my meditation this morning, and I'm about 1/3 through my list. So doing pretty good!

Have an absolutely fantastic day. Hope you pop by again soon!

