December 11, 2008

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

So many times in our lives, we think we are “on our way”. Things are moving. We are moving.

Then, all of the sudden, things stop!

Where did my sense of direction go? Why don’t I know what to do? There has to be SOMETHING for me to do! Did I lose my purpose? Was I on the wrong track? What happened?!

A sense of panic comes in. When there is no action, we feel lost and perhaps even stupid or useless.

Our River of Life has reached a calm pool, and we’re busy freaking out! Sails go up and down. The Paddles come out, and we paddle on this side and that. New fangled motors are tested. Nothing moves. It’s like there’s an anchor on the boat, and we can’t see the chain to pull it up.

These moments, too, are opportunities. Those calm pools along the River of Your Life are equally as important and valuable. Life should not be white water rafting all the way through!

When we are in action, we feel useful and on purpose. These times of in-action are times when we can redefine and rebalance. They are times to refuel and rejuvenate.

The question becomes, “What do we do when we have nothing to do?”

Here are some places you can explore when you’ve reached one of those calm pools in Your River of Life.


These silent times are exactly perfect too. What if you trusted that The Universe has everything under control?

Let’s take the analogy of planting and growing a garden. You prepare the soil by adding nutrients, clearing away the weeds, and making the rows or raised beds to plant your seeds. You pick the seeds you want to plant. A plan is made for which vegetables go where. The dirt is parted, and the seeds sprinkled. You gently cover over the seeds and begin to water.

For the next while, all you need to do is water, and pull the occasional weed that pops up. You don’t see any action or movement. Things are quiet for the time being, and yet, beneath the surface there are all kinds of unseen action!

The seed expands and pops open. A tiny little root begins to squirm its way through the dirt, sucking up all the incredible resources you worked into the soil, and drinking the life-giving water. Before long, its fingers begin stretching up, building up strength to pop through the surface and peak out at the sunlight.

Can you Trust that in these times of silence that the seeds you’ve planted with your thoughts are germinating like the seeds in your garden? Or will you rush around uncovering your seeds daily to see if they are growing, and preventing them from growing?

Trust that all is well. Gently water your seeds, and pull the occasional weed. Enjoy the sunshine and trust. The Universe does not stop he growth of the seeds in the Garden, and it does not stop the growth of the seeds you have planted either.


Use these times as opportunities to take good care of You.

Chances are, when things were moving you were so busy you were not doing those small things that keep you rejuvenated. “I don’t have time,” is often how you would put yourself off. Things were moving! How could you have time to exercise, eat right, or meditate?

As with the garden, those busy times were important, and those times of watering and patiently waiting are equally important.

These can be times to set up new habits of self-care. Here are some new habits you can add to your daily routine.

Meditation. Meditation does not need to take a full hour of your time. It can be as simple as sitting quietly for 5 minutes, and you can add an extra 5 minutes into your shower. There are many forms of active meditations, including walking meditations. Puzzles are wonderful form of meditation. Your focus is only on the puzzle, and all other thoughts move into the background.

Journaling. Journaling can be as simple as writing 5 gratitudes per day. You can write your intentions or desires. Write your joyful experiences. Gather affirmations and quotes that inspire you. Joy Journaling is a fun and creative way to use your Journal.

Exercise. This can be as simple as adding in a 10-30 minute walk each day. There are so many fun and creative ways to exercise. There are a variety dance classes offered. Gyms are offering cycling, kick boxing and much more. You can take up a martial art. There are also creative blendings of exercise forms being offered, such as Nia. Take this time to sample a few until you find one that is fun for you.

Nutrition. When you have more time available, you can get creative with your eating. You do not need to cook all day to get a quality meal. Sometimes taking the time to explore your grocery store or specialty shops in your neighbourhood can open up new creativity in your kitchen. Explore your library or local book store for cooking ideas. Take this time to find some quick and easy recipes you enjoy so when things do get moving again, you’re ready!

Life is like a River. There are times when the waters are flowing with speed, and there are other times where we come into the calm pools and can see the fish and plants growing on the bottom. Take the time to look into the pools. It’s so much more enjoyable than franticly paddling your canoe and missing all the beauty and joy.

Pull your paddle back in the boat. Stretch back and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. The River will speed up soon enough, and when it does, you’ll be full of energy and ready to go!


Velma Gallant, “The Queen of JOY!”, is an author, international speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach. She hosts her highly acclaimed internet radio show, Welcome Changes Radio where she interviews exciting and dynamic guests such as New York Times best selling author, Neale Donald Walsch, Mike Dooley from "The Secret", and many more. Velma coaches Executives and Entrepreneurs to lazer in on what’s vital to create and experience Joy-Filled Balance in their life and work. Velma can be contacted through her website,

October 15, 2008

Run Stress Out of Town! Reclaim the Keys to Your City.

“Stress is not happening because your job is difficult. It is happening because you are incapable of handling your own systems. You don’t know how to manage your body or your mind or your emotions or your energies. If you know that, then nothing is stressful because you are no longer hijacked by external situations” ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

STRESS! It’s gripped the world. It’s gripped many of us! It’s become so natural that we don’t know what life is like without stress.

If they don’t have a crisis, they’ll make one.

The truth is, and though we don’t like to admit it, we’re pretty much all like that. We’ve gotten so use to feeling the stress in our bodies that when it’s not there we feel odd or “not quite right”. We will unconsciously go on the hunt for something to stress about so or bodies can go back to feeling “normal”.

Stress Management courses are offered by our employers. They are written about in magazines. Stress Management is discussed on TV and all over the internet.

The truth is you don’t have to be stressed. It is not your natural state.

Peace is YOUR natural state.

You’ve been out of this place of peace for so long now that you’ve forgotten.

What if you could get back to Peace, even when things don’t seem to be working the way you think they should be working?

What if you could feel good ALWAYS despite appearances?

It’s time to put the REAL Manager in charge of your life. It’s time to put YOU in charge of your life.

Your body isn’t the manager. Your mind isn’t the manager. Your emotions and Energy are not the managers either.

These are each equally important parts of you, however they are all intended to be managed by Your Spirit. They are the team Your Spirit leads through this experience we call Life!

How would your life change if Your Spirit managed your life experience?

Would Your Spirit choose to sit on the couch in front of the TV half-sleeping through life? Who do you think is managing that choice?

Would Your Spirit choose the same job, the same friends, the same recreational activities, the same distractions?

What activities would Your Spirit give your body? What direction would Your Spirit guide your mind? How would Your Spirit use your Energy? What different emotions would you experience if your Spirit guided your Body, Mind and Energy?

These are all important questions to ask yourself, especially if you feel your life is being managed by anyone or anything other than You.

Your Spirit will ALWAYS choose that which serves you. Your Spirit will ALWAYS love you and keep you safe.

Give Your Spirit the Keys to Your City. Leave stress at the gate, and begin living in your natural state of Peace once again.


Has Stress taken over your City? Are you ready to take the keys back?

Learn how to Manage all aspects of you and your experience, and give YOUR Spirit the Management Position.


Velma Gallant, “The Queen of JOY!”, is an author, international speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach. She hosts her highly acclaimed internet radio show, Welcome Changes Radio where she interviews exciting and dynamic guests such as New York Times best selling author, Neale Donald Walsch, Mike Dooley from "The Secret", and many more. Velma coaches Executives and Entrepreneurs to lazer in on what’s vital to create and experience Joy-Filled Balance in their life and work. Velma can be contacted through her website,

April 28, 2008

The Thought Behind the Thought

Have you been making the changes in your thoughts? Have you been making choices about what you DO want more often?

Have you been seeing the results you were expecting?

If you answered no to this, let me share a little secret.

It’s not what you’ve been thinking about that has been created. (You already know that.) It’s the thoughts behind that thought that are created.

Let me explain.

The thoughts behind your thoughts are the engrained beliefs or underlying fears we adopted in growing up, and often times have been shared generation to generation.

Sometimes, those beliefs and fears are deeper, especially the ones that have been shared generation to generation.

Look back in your family history. What do you notice? What was their experience around money? What was their experience around work? What else do you observe?

Look at your own life? Are you having similar experiences, even though your Thoughts are in a different direction?

What does this mean?

Does it mean you aren’t thinking hard enough about your new thoughts?


It simply means that you have new thoughts, and the old thoughts or beliefs are still below the surface. They are the thoughts behind the thoughts behind the thoughts. If you were to peal them back like an onion, these are the ones in the core of the onion, and your new thoughts are the skin, and perhaps even a layer or two into the onion.

When your experience does not match your thoughts, the core of your thoughts will be a belief that is based in fear.

What is a Belief?

A belief is simply a habit of thought. These habits of thought are learned at childhood, and strengthened as you grow through repetition at first, and later through your experiences.

If we continue with the analogy of an onion, the repetition and experiences add layers to your onion as it grows.

For many of us, we have come to that point in our life where we know that those old beliefs no longer serve us, and we begin to make changes. These show up as new thoughts. We try to change the skin of the onion. The new thoughts don’t take firm hold because the core has not been transformed.

Discovering Your Core Belief

First, gather information. You want to know your destination, which is the new thought you’ve been thinking. You also want to know where you are. This is your core belief.

Let’s start with where you are.

There are some things you’ll observe about your core belief as you peal back the layers. Your core belief will be fear based.

If you peal it back far enough, you may find your core belief may show up in one of these ways:

I am not _________.
People who ____ are ________.

This may not always be an easy place to look at first, however if you truly want to change your thoughts and beliefs at a core level, looking here is important.

Let’s look at your destination—your new thoughts and desired beliefs. Your new thought is often the opposite of your core belief. It feels good. It may start out with “I am _____.”

You now have enough information to begin transforming your belief.

Transforming Your Belief

The journey between these two places, your new thought, and your core belief, is where your belief is transformed.

I want to emphasize that Beliefs are transformed, and not removed or deleted. As we previously discussed, Beliefs are a habit of thought. Thoughts are energy, and energy cannot be removed or deleted. Energy can, however, be transformed or changed into something else, simply by adding to it.


Velma Gallant, "The Queen of JOY!", is an Author, Speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach. Velma coaches Executives and Entrepreneurs to lazer in on what's vital to create joy and balance in their life and work. Velma can be reached at 1-800-992-2863 or by email at You can also subscribe to her weekly ezine at

February 4, 2008

Kindness Counts

Enjoy the article!


Kindness Counts

It’s very easy, as we are out there trying to build our fortunes, to get caught up in the “profitable” versus “non-profitable” actions.

These ARE things you want to consider as you are building your business.  Distraction actions are not profitable.  That much is true.

There is, however, one very important thing to remember.

Kindness counts.

Building a business from the mind (in a very calculating and analytical way) can be profitable.  You can make a lot of money.

Building a business from the heart (which connects to our creative soul) can be profitable as well, and on many more levels than just money.

What I have found, through both my own experience, and through observation of my clients, is that when you are a creative soul, creating a business without heart doesn’t work. 

Profits decline, or don’t happen at all.  The JOY in your business disappears.  You hang out in your brain.  You do-do lots of different things that don’t get the flow happening or create the results you were looking for.  The JOY in your life and work disappears.

How do you bring it all back in--the profit and the joy?

Return to heart.  Kindness counts.

Be kind and loving to those who do become customers or clients.  Be kind and loving to those who do not become customers or clients.  Be kind and loving to those outside of your business.  Be kind and loving to you.

When you find yourself overpowered, as it were, by melancholy, the best way is to go out and do something kind to somebody or other. ~ John Keble

It’s all too easy to get caught up in how things affect us directly.  When you take the time, however, to walk around your experience and look at it from different perspectives, you learn new things. 

What if how you perceived things was not the full picture?  What if there was more to it than what you initially saw?  Would you respond differently?

We aren’t always able to see from all perspectives, however, when we fill the experience with love it changes it, much like adding savoury spices to a stew--the flavour changes.

The flavour of love is both sweet and savoury.  How will your business and life change when you add in the flavours of Love, Creativity and Kindness?

Return to your Heart.  Return to your Creative Soul.  Kindness counts.


Velma Gallant, “The Queen of JOY!”, is an Author, Speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach.  Velma coaches Entrepreneurs to lazer in on what’s vital to create joy and balance in their life and work.  Velma can be reached at 1-800-992-2863 or by email at  You can also subscribe to her weekly ezine at