January 23, 2005

What do you get out of it?

I went to a movie last night. You may have heard of it. What the Bleep do We Know.

Very good movie. Very thought provoking. If you get the chance to go see it, definitely do!

One of the things that stood out for me is that we created the situation we are in right now. We chose it for one reason or another.

You might be thinking right now, "Why would I WANT to choose what I'm experiencing right now? That's absolute nonsense!"

We get something out of it. Maybe it's simply being able to blame someone or something else for our experience, and not having to take responsibility for it.

Taking responsibility for your life and your experience is a big part of living an abundant life. I'd even go so far as to say a critical component.

If I'm not responsible for my life, who is? If I'm not choosing my actions, who is?

What do you get out of your present situation? Is it being able to put the responsibility on someone else rather than where it belongs? On you?

One of the other things I learned from the movie is that it is important for me to live in the Now...to be happy in the Now.

What can I do right now to feel the emotions I want to feel? What can I do right now to experience what I want to experience?

If I can continually ask these questions of myself, and begin choosing my experiences moment by moment, then I can begin to attract (create) those things that I desire in my life that will give me more of those emotions, feelings and experiences.

I can see that this post could be pages and pages, take hours to write and read, and that's not what I want. My son's coloring a beautiful picture for me, and I want to share that with him.

Go see What the Bleep do We Know if you're ready to begin creating your life by choice rather than by default.

I'm going to buy the DVD when it comes out. I want to be able to watch it again. I know I'll get something more out of it each time I watch it.


Abundantly yours,

Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
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Abundance Coaching & Training

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Velma, you've made me want to watch the movie. I've got it on my to see list and will be watching for it in our local stores. Blessings to you and yours,
P.S. Show us some of your little ones masterpieces.