May 24, 2006

Shift Your Focus Step by Step

"If you want to sail your ship in a different direction, you must turn one
degree at a time." -- Brian Tracy

As we move through life, we ride the waves of emotion. One moment we're riding high on top of the wave, and other times we're at the bottom wondering if the wave is going to come crashing down on us.

Law of Attraction: What you focus on and the emotion behind it is what you bring to you.

If you've been studying Law of Attraction for a while now, you are aware of how your thoughts create your experience, and when you're at the bottom of the wave, all you really want is to be back on top again.


When we are the bottom of the wave, the best thing to do is keep your eyes where you want to go, and take it one step at a time towards your focus.

Easy to say, but is it really that easy to do?

Many times we get caught up focusing on the fact that we aren't at the top of the wave, or the lack of having the thing we desire.

For example, rather than focusing on having the bills paid, we focus on the fact that the money to pay the bills isn't here.


Your feelings or emotions are your clear indication as to how "magnetic" you are to your abundance. The better you feel, the more magnetic you are.

Our emotions generally follow along with where we are on the wave. In other words, when we're on top of the wave, our emotions are high. Our emotions are ones like joy or bliss. When we are on the bottom of the wave, our emotions are low, such as fear, frustration or anxiety.


So what do we do when we're on the bottom of the wave? How do we shift our focus and our emotions?

Here are three specific actions you can take to begin shifting your focus and emotions in the direction of your desires...back to the top of the wave.

  • Ask yourself is "What's one thing I can do right now to make myself feel just a little bit better?"

This powerful self-coaching question addresses your emotions, and also gives you the permission to baby step your way up the emotional scale. You are not expecting yourself to move from overwhelm to bliss. You are simply moving from overwhelm to anger, for example.

  • Purposeful movement.

Purposeful movement is doing something that requires your full, undivided attention. It's something you can "loose" yourself in, thus taking your attention off of what's not working for a short period of time. This also can move you from a low emotion to a neutral emotion, which is clearly moving you up the emotional scale. Examples of purposeful movement are hobbies such as woodworking or cross-stitching. Another example may be exercises like running, yoga or weight lifting.

  • Dump and Flip.

Take a piece of paper, and fold in in half length wise. This will give you a left and right side of the paper.

On the left side of the paper, dump out all the crap. Write out all your frustrations and fears. Write out whatever it is that angers you in this moment. Get it all out of you. It's important to acknowledge these feelings and get them out. Do not stuff these things down or hide them away.

On the right side of the paper, give each dump a 180 degree Flip. For example, if you're worried about the bills, the 180 flip of that would be "My bills are paid quickly and effortlessly."

Now comes the fun part. Rip the paper in half down the fold. Take that left side of the paper (the Dump) and get rid of it. You can rip it up, flush it, or burn it. Do whatever you choose to get rid of it.

With the right side, keep it. This is a vision. Read it every day, at the minimum once. Read it more often if you have time. It should take you approximately one minute or less to read through this. Once you're done reading it, put it down and move on with your day.

You can keep these Flips in your daily journal if you keep one. You can create a journal for them. Use this tool as often as needed.

As we move through life, and ride the waves, there will always be times when we are at the bottom of the wave. And that's okay.

What matters is how long you stay at the bottom of the wave, and what you do to support yourself to get back on top.

When you have tools at your disposal to support you to step your way back to the top, guaranteed, it won't be long before your riding high on the wave of life once more.


Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at, or reach her by email at velma [at] welcomechanges [dot] com


Want more tools to support your Abundance? Perhaps hiring a coach may be for you. If that's something you're seriously considering, I invite you to take advantage of a complimentary 30 minute conditional consultation valued at $85 US. Request your consultation today.


"It’s difficult to fully articulate the value you bring to me, but … I’ll plunge right in and do the best I can. In the few short weeks we’ve been working (or better said, I think, playing the abundance game) together, I continually see evidence of gathering abundance in my life. You are the best coach I’ve ever worked with -- unfailingly generous with resources, able to generate suggestions that really work, and a delightful source of loving, abundant energy. I especially enjoy your idea of continually celebrating. What a wonderful way to keep one’s energy vibrating to a prosperous tune. I am celebrating you, your work, and the value you bring. Here’s to joyous results!" R.L., USA

May 16, 2006

Conversations of the Mind

"The most important conversations, briefings, meeting, and lectures you will ever have will be those you hold with yourself in the privacy of your own mind."

~~Denis Waitley

One of the most important things I have learned is that in order to have Abundance in my life, abundant thinking must become a way of life.

It's much like nutrition and fitness. As you make the changes in how you care for your body, they become a way of life if you want your results to be permanent.

Law of Attraction: What you focus on and the emotion behind it is what you bring to you.

The Law of Attraction applies to those conversations we have with ourselves as well. Quite honestly, those conversations you have with yourself have an incredible and lasting effect on the results you experience in your life.

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, what is the conversation you have with yourself?

Do you look at your physical flaws and list them off to yourself?

Do you list all the things you didn't get done the day before and berate yourself?

The morning conversation with yourself sets the tone for the rest of the day.

An obvious example is if you have a "good hair day", your day usually goes very well. If you have a "bad hair day", your day usually goes down the tubes.

I have an invitation for you. When you wake up tomorrow morning, and for the next 30 days, speak kindly and with loving intent to yourself.

Choose one of the following activities daily for this 30 day exercise, and do it each morning while looking in the mirror:

1. Tell yourself 3 things that you like about yourself.

2. Tell yourself, "I love you."

3. Tell yourself 3 things you did great, either from yesterday, or very recently.

You may choose a single activity for the full 30 days, or you may choose a different activity for each day. Do this in whatever way feels best for you.

You may feel uncomfortable speaking kindly to yourself at first. That's okay!

Many of us have been so unkind to ourselves each day that being kind may feel a little weird.

I guarantee if you play through this discomfort it won't be long before it feels good. Within a couple of weeks, you'll begin to notice you have more "good days" than "bad days", and your energy levels are rising. You'll be surprised at how many more things you achieve. You'll notice more things that you like about yourself.

I'll bet that when you make it through that first 30 days, you'll feel so great that you'll want to make this exercise a part of your daily routine.

Are you up for it the challenge? I'd love to hear what happens to you by the end of the 30 days. Send an email through to 30daychallenge @ and share your story.


Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at, or reach her by email at

May 8, 2006

Follow Your Nose...It Always Knows!

The actual quote from Tucan Sam is "Follow my nose, it always knows". But that's OK. I really like how I tweaked it, and I'm going to leave it that way!

Wherever your nose is pointed, is where you are going.

Where is your nose pointed?

Have you been spending a lot of time looking at your past?

Have you been looking at what's not working?

Have you been looking at what's been frightening you?

Wherever your noise is pointed, is where you are going.

Looking at your past, you're heading for more of the same.

Looking at what's not working, you're going to get more of what's not working.

Looking at what's frightening you, you're going to get what's frightening you.

It's really that simple.

The Simple Solution, is to point your nose in the direction of the things you DO want.

Sometimes Simple isn't always easy though.

What you need to do next is learn how to point your nose in the direction of what you do want, when what's in your face are things you don't want.

Here are 7 things you can do to when your nose is pointing somewhere you'd rather not go.

1. Make a list of what IS working right now.

A lot of times this list starts out slow. It may take you a minute or two to put the first thing down on paper, but before long the things start rolling off.

2. Make a list of gratitudes.

What is in your life right now that you are grateful for? I'm grateful for my health. I'm grateful for my son's hugs and kisses. What are a few things you could be putting on that list?

3. Pick an intention or Mantra, and walk or bike to the rhythm of the Mantra.

This could be something simple like, "I choose Joy" or a favorite inspirational quote. With spring happening, you can go outside and get some fresh air at the same time. You don't have to do it that way, though. You could get on the treadmill or a stationery bike.

4. Do a craft or hobby.

For the ladies, this may be something like crocheting or cross-stitching. For the men, it may be carving or wood working. Others may enjoy playing music, singing or reading a book.

5. Spend time with those you love.

For me that would be my family. Play games or read with the kids. Take the dog out to the park and play frisbee. Go swimming, go hiking. Go to a park with the little barbecues and take some hotdogs and marshmallows with you.

6. Pamper yourself.

You don't have to get fancy with this. Give yourself a foot spa. Soak your feet, scrub them with a foot scrub, and then put some peppermint foot lotion on. Ladies, you can paint your toes too if you like. Or give yourself a sea salt or bubble bath. I set up my bathroom with music, a good book, and a cup of tea. Sometimes I don't want to read and I set out the candles.

7. Meditate.

There is no one right way to meditate. If you've never meditated before, you can use a guided meditation. You can listen to soothing music and sit quietly in a chair in a quiet room. You can sit on the bottom of the tub, close your eyes and have the shower rain down on you. It's all about how it makes you feel, so try a few different ways until you find one that fits for you.

Now you have some ideas on what you can do to stop your nose from pointing in a direction you don't want to go, and that's good.

Next you point your nose in the direction of where you do want to go.

How do you do that? I'm glad you asked!

Here are 4 things you can do right now to point your nose where you want to go.

1. Create a Dream Box.

Get a box that makes you feel good. It could be as simply as a shoe box that you decorate up with things that make you happy. It could be a music box. The point is to use a box that makes you happy when you pick it up and open it. Fill that box with pictures or words that represent the things you desire or intend. If you want to travel, put pictures of places you want to go. If you have a dream home, put a picture of that in there. For the home you can put pictures of the rooms inside as well. If you want horses, put pictures of horses in your Dream Box.

2. Play the "I Like" Game.

This game was created with my son. Before going to bed, we'd take turns telling each other the things we really like. It almost always started with "I like playing the I Like Game." It also included "I like you." You can play this game with someone you love, or can simply make a list of the things you really like.

3. Make a list of the things you would like to be, do or have.

There are a few ways to do this. A couple of the ways I've done it is starting out each desire or intention with one of the following:

a) I have a burning desire to...
b) I want...
c) I intend...
d) Wouldn't it be nice if...
e) I see...
f) I have/am...

With this list, it's all about the feeling. If saying "I want" doesn't make you feel good, you may like "Wouldn't it be nice if" better. Play around with the different ways of phrasing your desires until you find one that feels good right now.

4. Hire a Coach.

Some of the many things a Coach can support you with is creating visions, setting intentions and goals, and giving you another perspective on what you are experiencing or would like to experience. Sometimes all it takes is another pair of eyes or a two degree shift in perspective to get your nose pointing in the right direction.

No matter who you are or what you do, pointing your nose in the direction of Joy is a sure win.

Follow Your Nose...It Always Knows!


Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at, or reach her by email at

May 2, 2006

It's all about the Now!

"I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in
the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major
component of mental wellness."

~~Abraham Maslow

This quote fascinates me. It clearly speaks about the importance of the NOW, and also speaks to how many of us look at our past and future. Quite often it's with apprehension.

The truth is, how you feel about your past, no matter what happened, is all about perspective.

I speak a lot about perspective. It's probably one of the most important skills I've learned that has shifted my life from scarcity to abundance.

When I speak about some of the events of my past, I have heard from some, "oh that's terrible" or "how awful".

I rewrote my past. Or at least I rewrote how I felt about it.

Now when I look back, I see specific events that molded and shaped me. They prepared me for where I am now. I gained courage. I learned compassion, both for others and for myself.

I didn't always look at the events of my life that way. I felt grief. I felt guilt. I felt shame. I felt rage.

When you look back on your past, how do you feel?

How can you rewrite your past? Can you shift your perspective and allow yourself to find the gifts?

I wonder if you realize how magnificent you've become as a result of your experiences?

You can look to others for support to rewrite your past. Sometimes another pair of eyes will help you see things just a little bit differently.

One benefit to rewriting your past, is that when you look into the future, your perspective will shift there too.

I find that our future is usually written with the same pen that wrote our past. In other words, if we are fearful about our past, we quite often are fearful about our future.

If you've rewritten your past and have found the gifts, that pen won't write as fearful a future either.

All of this allows us to live in the Now more effortlessly, and with more joy.

What's one story from your past that you are willing to rewrite? Oh, and guess what. You get to be the inspiring hero in this story. ;-)


Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at, or reach her by email at