"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
--Eleanor Roosevelt
This is the exact quote I used to begin the transformation process of my life.
I was in a marriage that was steadily going downhill. My confidence was at an all-time low. My life didn't feel like my own. Conversations with my partner included "you can't do..." and "you have to do..."
I don't even remember which magazine I found the quote in, but I cut it out and taped it to my mirror. I looked at that quote every day for two years.
By looking at these words every day for that two years, they started to take root. What sounded reasonable at first soon became my truth.
"...without your consent."
What an interesting thought! We have to consent to feeling inferior. We have to choose to own someone else's thoughts about us and make it our own in order for it to be.
What if you chose not to consent to it? What if you just decided that what someone else thought about you was not your truth?
What would your life be like?
Would you take a chance that your ideas could succeed?
Would you try something new?
Would you talk to people you've never talked to before?
Affirmations like this can be valuable. They do take root over time if you look at them daily.
Are there areas of your life where you feel inferior or less than confident?
You may find value in printing this quote out and putting it up on your mirror too. Let it take root in your heart and mind.
Dump the Inferiority Complex by dumping other people's ideas about you.
Choose your Truth.
Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at http://www.WelcomeChanges.com, or reach her by email at velma@welcomechanges.com.