"Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
--Mark Twain
Monitoring who you spend your time with is as important as monitoring where your thoughts are.
What you focus on an the emotion behind it is what you bring to you.
How do you feel when someone belittles your ambitions?
How does it change your focus?
I'd guess it makes you feel not quite so good about your ambitions, and changes your focus to what's not quite right with your ambitions.
Have you ever heard that you should spend your time with people who are where you want to be?
I think the quote above speaks to that very clearly. If you spend your time with people who are abundant, and living a life of freedom and joy, they'll make you feel like you can live that life too. They will keep their eyes on the possibilities with you.
Sometimes, though, the people in your life may be the ones who belittle, and they are still important people in your life. They may be family. They may be life-long friends. What do you do then?
It's very simple. You get to choose who you share your ambitions (intentions/desires) with.
You can choose not to share those ambitions with them, so there is no opening for them to belittle.
Save your ambitions (intentions/desires) for those who will hold the vision with you.
Don't feel you have to eliminate these small people from your life completely. That's truly not necessary.
What is necessary is that you include more of those people who are living the life you dream of, and see your greatness.
Take some time to choose who you'll spend most of your time and energy with. Choose people that make you feel great. You deserve it!
Velma Gallant is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Abundance Coach. She's a co-author in a best-selling book series with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer called "Wake Up Live the Life you Love: Finding Personal Freedom". Velma is the creator of Living Abundant Joy where she interviewed 19 outrageously successful speakers, marketers and coaches on Abundance. She publishes a weekly e-newsletter called "Welcome Changes", which reaches over 45 countries around the world. Velma coaches entrepreneurs and business people to be abundantly successful in both business and life. You can visit Velma's website at http://www.WelcomeChanges.com, or reach her by email at velma@welcomechanges.com.