May 12, 2005

What the heck kind of lesson could that be teaching me?

Contrast can be VERY challenging. Though my experiences will not have been the same as yours, I can honestly say that I've looked at my experiences and wondered what the heck kind of lesson could that be teaching me?

What I have learned is that Contrast is there for a very important reason. By seeing very clearly what we don't want, we can also see very clearly what we do want. (Take your Don't want and give it a 180 degree twist, and you have a Do Want.)

The first step to creating what you want is to know what you want.

Get a piece of paper out, and fold it in half.

On one half, dump out all the crap...put every single thing down that you don't want that you've been having in your experience.

On the other half, do the 180 degree shift, and write out what you do want for every don't want on that list.

Rip it in half down the fold.

Get rid of the Don't Want half. Burn it. Rip it up. Whatever.

Keep the Do Want half. Put it up somewhere that you can read it often...every day preferrably.

Spend as much time looking at that list as you can. 17 seconds here. 17 seconds there.

If you notice yourself going back to focusing on the don't wants, you have a couple of options.

1. Keep yourself busy with things that occupy your mind.

2. Do another Dump and Flip.

Trust God, Spirit, the Universe (or whatever fits for you). And make sure you let him know exactly what it is you do want. He wants the best for you. All you have to do is ask.


Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
Abundance Coach
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